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*akka design*
10 mars 2010

First, eat the honey

First, eat the honey
Second, make bee wax candles: Last Christmas a friend who keeps bees in Sicily as a hobby gave us a big piece of a honeycomb: It was very interesting to observe it. Some cells were full of honey, others had pure propolis in them and others served as storage...
8 mars 2010

A fiber offence

A fiber offence
I think my spring cotton scarf offended the Winter God. Today Barcelona is blocked under the worst snow storm of the last I-don't-know-how-many years. Really impressive. My street is on top of a hill, next to a park. My neighbours are riding on plastic...
22 février 2010

Mimosa time

Mimosa time
3 février 2010

I'd like to start my new 'blogging season' -this

I'd like to start my new 'blogging season' -this
I'd like to start my new 'blogging season' -this is, blogging again after a long busy period without internet at home- with some pictures from our holidays in Sicily last Christmas. The most delicious tangerines ever, from my boyfriend's family land....
20 août 2009

Sunny days and no internet

Sunny days and no internet
I am now in Spain, enjoying a real summer with high temperatures, picnics and trips to the beach. I don’t have an internet connection at the moment, so regular blogging will be difficult in the next weeks. As soon as I have my own place and proper internet...
6 juin 2009

Botanic Gardens #3: Van Gogh's Delirium

Botanic Gardens #3: Van Gogh's Delirium
It's iris season, and at the Botanic Gardens they take it seriously.By the pond, in a more relaxed way...
6 juin 2009

Botanic Gardens #4: The Weirdos and The Beauties

Botanic Gardens #4: The Weirdos and The Beauties
30 mai 2009

Botanic Gardens #2: The Invasion of the Mutant Poppies

Botanic Gardens #2: The Invasion of the Mutant Poppies
I like poppies but look at the size of this variety: isn't it scary?
1 mai 2009

From my sketchbook: the olive tree, study for a print

From my sketchbook: the olive tree, study for a print
This was inspired by the beautiful olive trees I always see in Sicily when go there on holidays. It was supposed to be a sketch for a dry point print, but I'm not happy with the results of the print, so I show you just the drawing. Maybe I'll come back...
24 avril 2009

Extremely close and incredibly cute

Extremely close and incredibly cute
(picture by me at Dublin Botanic Garden)
*akka design*